Testimonials & Press
Here are some insights from past clients who found clarity in all areas of wellness.

Human Design
When it comes to Human Design, I am a Reflector. If you know anything about Human Design, Reflector's are kind of the pink unicorn's of the world. In other words, it's very common for people to misunderstand us because we are so rare.
That is far from the case with the Human Design reading I got from Heather. She understood me better than most people who have known me their entire lives! My favorite part about the reading was when Heather explained to me that Reflectors are PROCESSORS. We need time to reflect before making decisions. This is something I have tried to explain to people for many decades of my life, and Heather provided context to help me better understand so I can support making healthy choices for myself.
Thank you, Heather! I am so grateful for my reading.Highly recommend!

Emotional Release
Heather’s E-Motion hypnosis technique is excellent and easy to visualize. I am so grateful for her compassionate guidance through a past trauma. I am looking forward to additional sessions in the future!
-AB, Kansas City, MO

Home Clearing
I am not clairvoyant but for about a week I kept waking up in the middle of the night by something or someone who clearly wanted my attention. I mentioned it in conversation to Heather one day and within a few hours we were on the phone and she was guiding me through a clearing ceremony. She tapped into a lost spirit that needed to find her way home and Heather helped her do just that. I immediately felt a shift in the space and no spirit has disturbed my sleep since. Thanks Heather!
- JN, St Louis, MO

Home Clearing/Blessing
"Heather’s gift as an intuitive is profound; her thoughts, impressions and observations are spot on. I was very fortunate to have Heather do a house blessing for me. I told her that I always felt a “heaviness” in my chest when I sat in my living room. She informed me that my father’s restless spirit was in my living room and that he wanted to apologize to me. This resonated with me completely; he and I had always had a difficult and strained relationship. She was able to send my father’s spirit on his way without too much fuss, completely transforming the energy in my house. I highly recommend her energetic house clearing and blessing services.".
-TGB, Kansas City, MO

Energy Healing
I have known, been a client of, and referral partner with many energy workers over fifteen years. Working with Heather has been one of my best overall experiences so far. She is a genuine intuitive. Unlike many people in her field, Heather is not willing to let ego be her guiding light. She has an immense body of knowledge and experience yet remains humble and continues in her practice as one who still is learning. She does not assume she has the answers. She empowers her clients to discover that they are just as magical as she is. Her bedside manner is warm and mothering. When I leave a session with her, I feel armed with clarity and momentum to overcome my obstacles, as well as protected and truly supported in my way forward. I wouldn't recommend anyone else.

Home Clearing
Heather did a wonderful job assisting me with shifting the energy in my home by crossing over a lost soul that was trapped in my basement. Following the session there were no other instances of seeing or feeling the spirit‘s presence.Thank you, Heather.”
- AW, Kansas City, MO

Psychic Mediumship
I went to Heather hoping to seek out my Grandmother who I lost 7 years ago - she was a major influence in my life and her voice is a very strong one in my head as I navigate life without her. Heather was able to connect with her - she described her and shared things that there is no way she knew (memories from my childhood and the depth and character of our relationship). She confirmed that I have felt her presence and shared encouraging words directly relating to where I am in my life’s journey in my Grandma’s words.
One of my strongest memories is of always holding my Grandma’s hand - I remember when I first felt the significance of it and all the times through my life she did the same, I was lucky enough to hold her hand as she passed on from this earthly life - without knowing this Heather shared that she is still able to hold my hand and in that moment, as so many others, I felt her hand slip into mine. She also shared other family members who were with her and voiced the love they expressed during their time on this earth and assured me it is still there.
-CD, Lee's Summit, MO
Press & Podcast Appearances